7 Oils that Support Weight Loss

Why Focus on Weight Loss?

First, it’s important to know your why you want to lose weight or the reason that motivates your behaviour to lose weight or banish the belly fat. This is key. Knowing your ‘why’ will bring you back to your goals when you want to give in to cravings or shift back to ‘diet starts Monday’ thinking.

The effects of being overweight and obese are endless. It’s not about how you look. And I’m all for loving your body no matter what, but being overweight is simply. not healthy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, “Obesity-related conditions, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer, are some of the leading causes of preventable death.” And your chances of dying from our most recent virus are reduced when you are metabolically strong. (have less fat) [study]

Being overweight can cause economic and psychological pressure. Sadly, obese people are discriminated against on a regular basis. My mom experienced this in her work as a nurse and I’ll never forget that feeling as her child, knowing that people looked at her differently. It broke my heart.

Why You Aren’t Losing Weight

Weight loss is more of a struggle today than every before. We have processed foods that are designed to make you want to eat more, we move less, we are inside more, and we are surrounded by endocrine disrupting chemicals! For example, if you drink water from a plastic water bottle…you are making it harder for yourself to lose weight! EDCs are man-made compounds that are commonly used in many plastics. “The compounds have been found to interfere with the hormonal systems of several organisms, particularly reproductive systems.” [Study]. We feed our cattle ‘skittles’…our chickens eat genetically modified corn and soy and the list goes on!

So you won’t be surprised to hear that the top 3 reasons you aren’t losing weight are:

  1. Hormones are imbalanced

  2. Your digestion is weak

  3. You are inflamed

You can learn more in this live session I did about 5 Reasons for your Muffin Top.

I won’t get into the details in this blog but know that the oils I am recommending will help support the 3 reasons mentioned above.

Top 7 Oils to Support Your Weight Loss Goals

  1. Lime - aids weight loss and helps body detox slowly [study]

  2. Grapefruit -appetite suppressing, reduces fluid retention, You can read more here.

  3. Cinnamon - balances blood sugar levels

  4. Peppermint - stimulates digestion

  5. Cardamon - protects stomach

  6. Cumin - digestive aid and blood sugar balance

  7. Black Pepper - helps with giving up addictions

  8. Smart and Sassy is a blend designed specifically to increase metabolism, detox, and support weight loss goals and contains many of the above oils.

To Learn More About my Balance Your Life Blueprint to Transform Your Body and Life…click here.

To get started with your essential oils journey, click here.


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5 Reasons For Your Muffin Top